Due to decades of disinvestment, North Minneapolis has not benefited from the prosperity of the rest of the region. In 2016, Itasca convened a business-community partnership to identify ways to create jobs and spur economic development to benefit North Minneapolis residents.

GenConnect, a partnership with  Marnita’s Table, connected diverse people who may never have met, to discover shared interests and concerns and to facilitate deeper conversations and build capacity for collaborative undertakings.

The Itasca Project and Marnita’s Table partnered in 2018 to bring GenConnect to our community. 

Itasca is proud to be supporting the work of Great Minnesota Schools, which focuses on increasing the number of high performing schools in Minneapolis. For more information, see their website.

This taskforce explored opportunities where employers can help students graduate from high school ready to succeed in post-secondary education and careers. A result of that work was the creation of ConnextMSP, a platform for people and organizations to partner in reimagining the region’s early career system in ways that center the experiences of young adults.